What was your favorite T.V. show growing up?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

American Icons !

Jeniffer Hudson

1. She represents hard work and confidence, because she didn't win American Idol. But she still managed to win an Oscar in Dreamgirls, Being the leading actress even over Beyonce! To me that shows hard work and confidence.

2. I think I really liked her character and that's what made me turn my eyes to her and since then. I looked up to her!

3. She has spoke to so many different girls in many different ways, and not JUST American girls but all over the world!

Madam CJ Walker

1. Madam CJ represents cinfidence and wanting a change, because she was the twenthieth most successful entrepreneurs, She came from nothing to be somebody who people will look up to and want to be like someday.

2. She was a slave born on December 23, 1867 and orphaned at the age seven. She worked the cotton fields, when she was 14 years old she got married to Moses McWilliams to escape her abusive brother-in-law. She started in the worst possible position in America and moved on to speaking for every young black girl in america.

3. Madam CJ Walker became important to me because she moved from house to house, marring and being divorced until she met her third husband in Denver and as her hair started to fall out she came up with this homemade product that would STOP the hair from falling out. She is an inspiration because when I do pass on I want to be known like she was and my hair being the thing I love about myself makes me smile that people can come form totally NOTHING and make the best living!

Jane Enda Hunter

1. I found someone that I didn't really know much about and I found her, she was taught to read by the daughter of her employer. She founded The Working Girls Association which became the Phillis Wheatley Association the next year.

2. She inspired me because just like a lot of African American women she started from nothing and became such a big success!

Back to School !

1. This year I plan to work on my communication with my peers and teachers so that it will be easier to deal with things and work. Because I have learned in the past that if there is NO communication with the student and teacher, there will be a lack of learning. So I am going to do my best so I can turn in work that I am proud of.

2. I hope to learn about what I can deal with and what I can't, what I mean is I want to take honors and I am taking a big chance and possibly risk because, this experience might be something that I won't be able to accomplish. So in the future I will know how far to go because of this experience.

3.I actually think I am good at cooking, when I grew up I actually wanted to become a chef. But then I started to learn that wasn't where my heart should of been and I think that I should truing to make a difference in people's lives. Because I love to sit there and talk to people and listen to their problems and try to help them in any way that I can!

4. She also spoke to me because in the movie she is a thicker girl in a singing group and their manager tells her to be a backup singer because he wants Beyonce(a thinner girl) to sing lead. So I think in a way it relates to me because I feel like I am put