What was your favorite T.V. show growing up?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Honors #3

Today in America, there are many agencies like the one Roosevelt wanted to make after the Wall Street Crash in 1929. People who are struggling always seem to find a way with help whether it’s help with financial problems, food or housing. Roosevelt was a significant person and he helped a lot and wanted to see people working and succeeding, when everyone lost their jobs he wanted to start the New York State Emergency Relief Commission with Harry Hopkins, it was meant for people out of work and too old to work. This is similar to a lot of things in America now, like Medicare in a way. Because if you are too old and can’t work then you don’t get benefits and you don’t have the money to accomplish things needed. It’s also like Workmens Comp , because people who get hurt on the job and won’t get better until a few months later can’t afford housing and food. So thankfully there is an organization that helps people get back on their feet.

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