What was your favorite T.V. show growing up?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Internship Blog #3

7. Do you have any regrets so far? What would you do differently if you could start internship over?

Since the YMCA wasn't my first choice, I think now looking back I would of looked harder and more than I did before. Because it seems as if everyone's experience is going pretty good, I hate that I didn't look more because this is a great experience for a high school student and I should of took more time and shouldn't of jumped so fast because time was winding down and I didn't have an internship. I wish I would of looked for more organizations like my first choice and looked and looked because I would of got what I wanted, but during this internship I have learned you don't always get what you want because that's just how life is. And instead of complaining and having an attitude I think it's best if you make it something you can remember and learn from. I have a quote that I have cme up with since internship.

"When life gives you apples and you expected lemons, make lemonade. No matter how much work you have to put in because that lemonade will definitely be a taste you will remember!"

I use this quote now because since I didn't get my first choice, even though life gave me apples and I expected lemons then I have to make the most of what I have and do what I have to do to make it something I'm proud of.

3. You are half-way through your project. How is it going? What challenges have you faced? What have you learned? What are you doing to ensure a successful completion of your internship project?

I don't have the resources I need to do what I want, I originally wanted to complete a video then I realized I didn't have Final Cut Pro or Photoshop so I decided to make an art piece. then my mentor mentioned he would like a video so it put me on edge because this experience is about us making our mentors happy but also learn things about ourselves. But I guess I have to compromise and think about what will benefit myself and my mentor.

(The picture you see in the upper left hand corner is the start of my art piece.)

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