What was your favorite T.V. show growing up?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Semester Two, Blog #1

What are the big ideas that you are taking from internship into the next steps in your life?

ANSWER: One of the biggest things I'm taking into semester two as a student is everything doesn't always fall into place like you want then to, because internship was something I was excited for and I didn't get my first choice so I jumped into an internship and I wish I would of looked more. But since I didn't I learned a lot about myself and life, because I decided why am I going to stress out because I'm not doing what I want to right now so I came in everyday and tried to do the best I could everyday and I think did a good job of that!

What are your plans for the coming semester?

ANSWER: I planning to do way better than I did last semester because I didn't turn in some honors requirements and that resulted in me having my grade dropped and so I plan to do way better than before and do more than expected!

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